The timeless gift of the present

I took a vacation to California to see some of my dear family and brought back a beautiful fresh perspective. 

While in the air, I wondered what type of trip was ahead of me. I knew I needed to be refreshed and encouraged, but I wasn't clear in which way. It was just clear that I was pretty worn out. I wondered what it would feel like, taste like, and look like to be back in a place where I was comfortable. I imagined myself with people who spoke the same language and ate the food I was used to enjoying. While on the plane, I wondered what California would be like after being away for what felt like a year.

As soon as I landed, my heart began to race with excitement. Everything was just right. From staying with both sides of my family to putting my bare feet in the ocean again, my heart and soul began to feel refreshed and encouraged.

I wanted to share with you three things I brought back to my home in Vienna that I took away from my short stay in California. One, there is immense beauty to be revealed as I learn to embrace where I am. Two, honesty within an authentic community is a gift and can bring great resilience to life's hardships. And three, there is a difference between honesty and complaining.

Let's dig into the three things a little more:

First, I learned that if I want to live where my feet are, I must embrace where I am instead of “wishing away my current season” because it is difficult. I am learning to give myself grace as I walk in new seasons because there is no telling how long it might take to find my feet and begin finding my pace. It is important that you and I live with our arms and heart open in a posture of embrace and not closed off the world in hopes to protect us from it. Secondly, I learned through spending time with my close community that honesty is a beautiful thing when expressed in a close community – a community that has your best interest in mind. Without this type of community, we may not see clearly in life or discover the strength that can get us through some fairly challenging seasons. Sometimes its just another perspective that was needed to help us see clearer. 
And lastly, I learned that honesty and complaining are different though they may look very similar at times. It is up to us to learn and notice within ourselves what honesty and complaining are. Sometimes we may be on the brink of honesty but stuck in complaining, and other times we hit the sweet spot of honesty, freeing ourselves from the bondage of pretending. 

I put my feet in the ocean for the first time since moving from California on this trip, and the water rushed over my feet, leaving my heart refreshed.

In the same way, I felt the ocean rush over my feet, I felt encouragement wash over my weary heart giving it the refreshment it needed to keep pressing on and enjoying the season I am given in Vienna. There is much beauty ahead! I believe the same for your life as well.

(Picture taken in Huntington Beach by my dear sister-in-law)

Though being in our present reality can be difficult, it is worth the fight because the outcome of being present is what we deeply desire. We all want to live a story that means something, and I believe you have this story within yourself already. All we have to do is be present where we are and patiently watch our story unfold.

With love and joy, 